NEET STRATEGY: Top Secret Revision Strategy to become Topper, Before final Exam


Finally, that day is coming for which you prepared a lot, for which you thought every day, for which you felt tense every day and at the same time Dreaming it makes you happy every day and I have strong believe that you are prepared, you are prepared well enough but this fear of exam this anxiety of exam is somehow killing your confidence which is not good for NEET 2020 which is scheduled on September 13.

Might be possible before lockdown you were fully confident and you had strong believe this year you are going to rock in this exam but because of this uncertainty and long days of lockdown, you lose that momentum and now you are feeling like you are not same as before, in this situation first of all, you have to make your blood boil you have to learn the concept of Nishkam karma for this exam and gain that momentum which you were having a few months before.

Or might be possible there is another situation because of this lockdown you get more time for preparation you get more time for revision and now you are having that confidence of selection which you don’t have before.

Aspirants of both situations need one final Power shot before the exam which will give you immense confidence and help you to score amazing marks in the coming exam and that Power shot called REVISION.

So in this post, I am going to disclose the secret of effective Revision for next few days so that you can score 600+ marks in NEET 2020.

Well Before Introduce you, with that hidden secret of revision there are some checklist.

Checklist before Revision for NEET 2020:

1. You are ready to study 16 to 18 hours for the coming 22 days(Till one day before the exam)
2. You are ready to leave all distraction of social media and WhatsApp ( If you are studying online then use only for study purpose)
3. You are ready to become a doctor this year anyhow
4. You were honest with your studies throughout your preparation year.
5. You  completed all your syllabus thoroughly (2 to 3 chapters in each subject can be weak)
6. You solved your study material(whatever it is) effectively at least once
7. Whenever you study, you will do it for a minimum of 3 hours continuously.
8. You will not select any new study Material, you will revise what you already studied throughout your preparation years.

 Well if the answer to most of these Checklist question is yes then you are 90 percent close to your selection and any power natural or supernatural won’t stop you from being a doctor.

Actions to Avoid:

After these checklists, there are certain unnecessary action which you have to avoid; these actions act like catalytic poison even though you adopt super revision strategy.

1. Avoid eating junk food these days.

2. Avoid eating too much.

3. Avoid talking with friends (Irrespective of matter).

4. Avoid thinking of consequences, result and other irrelevant things (just keep working and studying)

5. Avoid look yourself in mirror

6. Avoid break schedule.

You have to follow this strictly then the secret of Revision will definitely work for you


After following all these checklists and things to avoid, now I can share the secret of revision with you and you have to promise yourself that you will start it now.

  • 1.       Now you have to revise with papers, solve 1 paper every day, remember 1 paper every day in strict exam atmosphere and try to complete it in exactly 3 hours in any scenario (During this keep drinking water it will maintain freshness in you)
  • (Paper can be from NTA or your coaching institute from where you did preparation)
  • 2.       After completion of the exam, drink water eat something light and now is the time to analyse your strength and weakness. (Keep all your book all your notebook all your notes, rough copy close to you so that you don’t have to stand and waste time in searching for things it must be close to you and easily accessible.
  • 3.       Starting from the first question now you have to identify what mistake you did, which questions were left unattempted.

a.       If it is a calculation mistake you have to keep it in mind and try to revise it a whole day and promise yourself that you will not repeat it again.

b.      If it is a conceptual error then you have to revise that concept only that concept, nothing else (For example: While you were analysing paper you found that in question no 3 you did some conceptual mistake you applied some wrong formula, then you have to stop analysis at question no 3 and first, revise that concept revises that formula then start analysing your paper again from question no 4).

c.       If during analysis you found that there are certain questions which you don’t know how to solve it then you have to REVISE that concept again from your notes (Remember all these analysis need to be done superfast)

  • 5.       This analysis of paper will take 3 hours (not more than this )
  • 6.       Again take a break and drink water and eat something light (Take proper meal )
  • 7.      After this take some rest and think what you did till now try to remember your mistake and promise yourself you won’t repeat it again.
  • 8.     After taking rest for 15 minutes to 1 hour (depends on how you manage time) now it’s time to revise subject  (During this process  I am assuming it will take 7 hours and now you have more 7 hours for revision of subjects considering 14 hours effective study schedule)



  • 9.       You have to stick with your schedule, you have to fix with your time table, you have to do everything at the same time every day, you can’t change study time every day, you have to make strict Discipline for the next few days which is very-very crucial for your success. In this post, I don’t mention whether you have to study in day or night because I believe whenever you study your study must be effective it doesn’t matter whatever time it is. However, preferably day must be your study hours but this decision will be completely yours.
  • 10.   Biology must be your strength and you have to score maximum in biology, this must be your priority and to revise Biology all you have to do is apply fast revision technique by looking at notes by memorising things by memorising concepts and don’t have to write in any place.
  • 11.   Next is the revision of Physics and Chemistry, for this you can apply fast Short notes Techniques
  • 12.   Last but not least after all study hours when you are going to bed, 15 to 20 minutes before you have to revise everything what you did throughout your day, you have to revise your mistake, you have to revise all the formula, all the concepts you learn throughout day and sleep with one Positive attitude that tomorrow you will be better than today, tomorrow you will study more than today, tomorrow you will score more marks than today, tomorrow I will be successful.

Wish you all the best and let me know your views in the comment box.

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